Weekly update - June 15, 2024

Everyone has arrived safely home from Guatemala! It sounds as though it was a truly phenomenal trip.
  • Here is a picture that one of the adults sent me of G., L , and K. in Antigua. Y. had decided to go back to the hotel to rest. 

  • Today is B.'s, G.'s, and L.'s birthdays, but we will celebrate tomorrow.
  • Today TM stopped by so we could meet his new puppy! I love other people's puppies. This is Bandit and he is five months old. He is going to be a very big husky.
Bandit was particularly interested in the ponies and Buddy has never met another creature he doesn't like.

Trying to get Bandit and Aster to sit nicely next to each other for a picture.

It was not overly successful.
  • When I was at the thrift store the other day getting children appropriate clothes for the trip, I paused to look for a coffee grinder because I was tired of crushing Vienna's seven pills twice a day. I didn't find a coffee grinder, but I did find a mug warmer!

I am so excited. I had one years ago and used it constantly. And then it broke and I was stuck microwaving my tea over and over. I've already tried it out and it works well.
  • I did get a coffee grinder from a local giveaway group.
  • Java has decided that she is in love with Buddy. L. O. V. E. I've tried to tell her that it won't work for any number of reasons, but they still spend quite a bit of time like this. 
  • We (and by we I mean J.) got all those plants in the ground today. I think they look wonderful, but I forgot to take a picture. Now to keep them watered enough so they can survive the next week of high temperatures.
  • Finally, I have new summer horse classes scheduled on my website (Thank you, MC!) If you know anyone who might be interested, send them my way. Bittersweet Farm


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