Children who bake, installment number... I've lost count

I know I've said it before, but it is a lovely thing to have children who know how to bake and cook. It does make more dishes... sometimes a lot of them... but it's worth it in my book.

D. had today off of work so decided to make quiches for breakfast. These were not any ordinary quiches as he decided to use the recipe out of The Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. He made three different quiches; tomato, spinach and swiss cheese, and balsamic onion and mushroom. They were all very good. 

By the time I came in from the barn, they were nearly done. Not too long after, D. brought me this.

That's the tomato quiche. It was the first of three pieces of quiche I ate this morning because I wanted to try them all. I did not eat lunch because I was still so full. J. had already left for work so D. was able to save some for him. It was a good thing he did, because there's not really any quiche left. 


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