Christmas 2021

The best way to sum up the holiday is to say we are abundantly blessed in so many different ways. We had a lovely day with all of our children begin present at one time or another during the day. The day was filled with plenty... food, family, gifts, love, and laughter. 

The table set for Christmas Eve dinner.

Ready for the morning

Waiting to come downstairs

We were having such a nice time that I pretty much have zero pictures of the festivities. I do have some animal pictures I can share. G. had made horse muffins for the horses, and they got to enjoy their treats on Christmas morning.



She liked them!


Java hoping there were more treats she could take from Emmy.

Vienna was very excited about her treats.

And we brought Kenzie's beanbag (yes, it's his now, no children sit in it) so he could be comfortable during the present opening.

And how crazy is this? As we were cooking lunch, the kitchen got hot so we opened a sliding door. The weather is just bizarre for this time of year.

We had dinner at J.' sister's house and enjoyed more family. It was truly a lovely day. And to the anonymous donor who was so generous to our family this past week, if you are reading here, thank you so much. It is greatly appreciated!!


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