Non-Newtonian cats

It was a late night because we were having a lovely time visiting with the H-S family who came over for dinner before heading back home. Consequently, this will be short. But I remembered there was something I was going to share yesterday about the previous week, but couldn't remember what it was until today. 

I may have inadvertently taught my children that cats inhabit the center of the earth. Now, they, of course, do not really think cats are in the center of the earth, but the cats are what they are going to remember. It was all because of reading that in the magma layer, the molten layer acts like a liquid but under pressure becomes more solid. After I read that, I likened it to the non-Newtonian fluids that they have played with. Instead of thinking about playing with Oobleck, many of them announced, "Like cats!" 

This is because my children believe cats to be a non-Newtonian fluid... hard under pressure (and often pointy), but liquidy when moving. Just like the center of the earth. I guess. 


Anonymous said…
I really like the non-newtonian cats, this made me smile.

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