Fangirling a bit

The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) holds a conference each year about adoption topics. Some of the keynote speakers at this year's conference have had a huge impact on our family, informing how we parent and connect with our children... Ross Greene (The Explosive Child), Dan Siegel (Mindsight and The Whole-Brain Child), and Bryan Post (mainly through his videos) have helped to change how we view parenting and our relationships with our children. They were all voices speaking into our family and helping our children heal. I may never meet any of them in person, but if I do, the first words out of my mouth will be thank you. 

This is probably why I am so excited that the film maker behind the documentary about our family is exhibiting at the conference this year. It feels a little like I'm just one step removed from being in contact with people I admire and whose work I recommend. If you are an adoptive family or considering it, I would highly recommend listening to what these people have to say. And then you could also poke around and visit the documentary site as well. 

I'll admit there is just a wee bit of me that wishes it were live. I would totally go just to sit at the exhibitor booth hoping to meet some of my favorite writers. 


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