The fun never ends

We all had a wonderful on Labor Day at the family camp Horse Power arranged. R. particularly had a wonderful time and enjoyed being out and doing something fun and different. She even got to lead a miniature donkey which she loved. There was food which she loved. There were people who were not her family which she loved (though because she would literally love them, they all had the 'high fives and redirect to parents' instructions.) She loved everything.

We have lived with this child long enough now, that for the rest of Monday, after we got home, we were waiting for the other shoe to drop. You know, like when I bought her new sneakers. Happily, the rest of the day was calm and she went to sleep without any difficulties. Maybe we were worried for nothing. Maybe this is one more step towards healing.

Yesterday morning, I was out finishing up at the barn when TM comes racing out to say M. needed me because R. had a seizure. I head into the house to find R. sitting on the couch looking a little dazed as she started to come out of it. Evidently, TM was helping R. do something, R. was following him, until she wasn't following him and was on the floor face down seizing. TM got M. who hauled R. to the couch and raced to get me.


Once again, the rescue drugs did their work and R. was fairly calm, though vague for the rest of the day. The worst was that when she fell at the beginning of her seizure she went face first and gave herself a pretty amazing black eye. It looks very uncomfortable and the pain from that doesn't help with her general functioning. The past couple of nights she had been up a bit, but has remained calm and either stayed in our room or gone back to bed. Since this is still a huge improvement from this time last year, I'm not going to complain.

We keep her world very small. The quarantine followed by life during a pandemic has kept her world even smaller. While this is definitely not a bad thing for her, it also means that anything we do outside the house is a big deal. And big deals are exactly what she just cannot handle.

When we go to the wedding this weekend, you can be sure those rescue meds will be on my person at all times. I am trying not to think about how she is going to react to it all.


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