How about a wordless Thursday?

Well, a sort of wordless Thursday. I'm pretty sure it is impossible for me not to add words to, well, anything. I'm in a much better place this evening, but feel a bit done in, so here's some pictures from today.

This morning R. played with the slime I had made yesterday. She eventually became a little fascinated by it. It was a much better day for her, and thus me.

Here is the photo of Java's stitches which I sent to the vet today. Isn't she healing nicely? I'll be taking those stitches out tomorrow. (Because I forgot to do it today.) Java was NOT nice for the farrier this morning, though. We ended up needing to put a chain on her halter. This would be the same horse that doesn't care someone it putting 50 stitches in her or is jabbing a syringe in her twice a day to flush a drain. I need to work on her feet more I think.

And my tomato plants really, really need to go outside, but we are still a few days away from our last frost date. J. is making more garden beds this weekend because I have a lot of plants and seeds to be planted.


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