Saturday in pictures

It was a lovely day. Much cooler than it has been, which I love, and lots of odds and ends taken care of. First up, the crazy neglected garden. It seems I still have giant serpent gourds growing. I discovered these two today. Do you see them? They are hanging down in front of the left fork of the dead tree. The tree doesn't look quite so dead with it's gourd vines hanging all over it.

This is basil, both Thai and sweet. I think I need to make some pesto to freeze with the sweet, and I may try fermenting the Thai basil.

This is the cardoon, which is growing quite well. I think. It's big. I'm a little intimidated to cut it down and try preparing it to eat. It seems a little labor intensive, plus there are spines on those leaves. But it also seems to be a waste to not do anything with it. I'm working up to dealing with it.

Here is today's haul. Not bad for the middle of September.

Here is that haul all separated out.

Three cabbages. (There are still a few more growing in the garden) I'm so excited about having grown actual cabbages that look like cabbages.

The hot pepper plants are still doing extremely well.

Green beans, which surprises me, since they only went in in the middle of July because my first attempt didn't grow.

And two of the tiniest Thai bird chilies I've ever seen. (I put a green bean above the small bowl for size comparison.) I have a whole plant covered with them, and I'm just waiting for the rest to turn red. These could be the perfect size for adding to Vietnamese dipping sauce and cucumber salad, as they are potent little things.

The other thing I brought in the from the garden is also very exciting to me. I tried growing beans (cattle beans) that dry and are stored as dry beans. I've never done this before, and had my doubts about whether it would work or not. But look!

This is about 2 cups of cattle beans, all ready to store in the pantry.

It was kind of satisfying to shell them, as the outside of the pods was dried and fairly horrible looking. Then, when you opened them up, you found these perfect dried beans inside, in a pretty red color.

This is the pile of shells from those 2 cups of beans.

There was some duck cuddling.

A. with duck. I am endlessly amused by these creatures. Note the funny angle of the feet. They are also very soft on their bellies, though often a little damp.

The round pen was finally removed from the borrowed trailer.

And as a result of yesterday's field trip, the younger group was playing soldier all day long. L. had several moments where it was difficult to accept the fact that she did not own any green clothes to be an army uniform.

They also commandeered the new dirt pile from the barn excavation to make a military camp.

Note the platforms and tents set up

Alas, like all military encampments, this was not permanent, as the builder will be leveling this dirt pile come Monday. A new location had to be scouted out, and then supplies and tents moved. The new location will be able to remain a little longer, since it is not due to be demolished.

I also did a little experimenting with fermentation today. I started my first batch of kombucha:

And I turned those three cabbages into the beginnings of sauerkraut, using my new water seal crock. 

These last two things feel very experimental. I've never done either of them before, and I won't really believe they will work until they are done and are edible. The processes for both are just a wee bit odd to read about. I love the way my new crock looks, though. 

J. was able to get things done as well. He took Nefertiti to the vet for her belated annual appointment. My very overweight cat, who was 14+ plus when we brought her home, is now at a very healthy 10 pounds. J. took TM and D. to the Secretary of State's office where both boys passed their exam and now are proud holders of driving permits. The burn pile is now ashes, and J. was able to repair all the screens for the three sliding doors on the first floor, so we can open the doors and let the air in, but not let the cats out. 

All in all, a very good day.


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