Friday bullets, January 31, 2020
January did not seem to go by quickly, did it? Maybe it's been our complete lack of sunshine over the past couple of weeks. The movie that J. and I went to last week was Knives Out. It was fun, and we enjoyed it. If you like murder mysteries, this is for you. I'm feeling better today. After spending the entire day in bed except to go downstairs for dinner, I then slept all night. Maybe I was exhausted. Our dinner conversations, when M. is home, have taken an odd turn. Well, odder turn, they are always a little unusual. But M. is currently taking a parasite pathology class. It means that parasites find their way into conversation somewhat more often than usual. J. is reading Little Women to Y. as I type this. They are to the very sad part about Beth, and it is far worse knowing what is coming. Neither of them had read it before. I have joined an online spinning group that has monthly video lessons. It makes me realize exactly how much I had forgotten between the time I ac...