Friday bullets, January 31, 2020

January did not seem to go by quickly, did it? Maybe it's been our complete lack of sunshine over the past couple of weeks.

  • The movie that J. and I went to last week was Knives Out. It was fun, and we enjoyed it. If you like murder mysteries, this is for you.
  • I'm feeling better today. After spending the entire day in bed except to go downstairs for dinner, I then slept all night. Maybe I was exhausted.
  • Our dinner conversations, when M. is home, have taken an odd turn. Well, odder turn, they are always a little unusual. But M. is currently taking a parasite pathology class. It means that parasites find their way into conversation somewhat more often than usual.
  • J. is reading Little Women to Y. as I type this. They are to the very sad part about Beth, and it is far worse knowing what is coming. Neither of them had read it before.
  • I have joined an online spinning group that has monthly video lessons. It makes me realize exactly how much I had forgotten between the time I actually took lessons and when I took it up again. I will watch a video and realize that I did know that bit of information at one time. It's been very helpful.
  • This afternoon I picked up a book I had on hold at the library. When I got the notice, I didn't actually remember having put it on hold, but the title sounded as though something I would read, so must have. I think I saw it mentioned in another book I was reading. Well, I have decided that to be a published women's Bible study/memoir author, you must fulfill two requirements. 1. You must be from Texas, and if not Texas, than at least somewhere in the south. 2. You must be funny with a sort of humble bragging self-deprecating humor about what a scattered, pop culture, Target loving mess you are so as not to appear overly intellectual or earnest. Usually it just comes across as a bit shallow to me, and I'm wondering why this woman has something to teach me. (Yes, I realize that this is probably saying far more about me than anything else.) I will be returning the book because it makes me grind my teeth.
  • We had the odd combination of Italian beef sandwiches, roasted Brussels sprouts, and homemade guacamole and chips for dinner tonight. This is because I lost control over dinner this week and this was what was in the refrigerator needing eating.
  • I had a major score at the library today. I always glance at the sale shelf as I pass by, but don't usually find anything I'm interested in. Today I saw a never used copy of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, a cookbook I had always wanted for my collection. And it was only $1.00. But did I have a dollar? I rarely seem to have any cash and my wallet felt a wee bit light to have much change in it. After digging around I finally scrounged a dollar in change and happily bought the book.
  • We've had a mild sickness going through the house. Last week was P., TM, and L. Today Y., K., and G. are under the weather. 
  • I spent several hours earlier this past week deleting over 4000 emails from one of my email accounts. I couldn't figure out how it had gotten so bad, but once it reached a couple of hundred I had sort of given up on it until I couldn't take it anymore. It turns out the creep started early summer right around the time that R. started her extreme downward slide into not sleeping and psychotic behavior. Deleting emails seems as though it was too taxing. I must be doing a little better now since I had the energy to deal with it.
  • I am in the middle of reading A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. I put it on hold at the library because it had received really good reviews. It must be popular because it took months for me to finally get a copy. Even with all this, I just wasn't sure it would hold my attention. It is a long book, and the short version of the plot is a man who is confined to a hotel because if he leaves it he will be shot. It seemed a lot of pages for someone stuck in a hotel. Well, I am loving it and will be sad when it ends.
And now to get to sleep at a decent hour. Have a good weekend everyone!


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