Making bias tape... otherwise known as the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway

(Sorry, the contest is now closed.... though you're welcome to leave a comment if you like.)

[This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post, but is here solely to give Blogger a different photo to post in the thumbnail.]

It's Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway time again. 

I love bias tape.  It is so useful and so easy to use... finishing edges... finishing seams...  And while the pre-packaged stuff has it's place and I use it often, I really like to have patterned bias tape as well.  Enter one of my favorite little tools: the bias tape maker.  This one make 3/4 inch bias tape and I will be giving one away at the end of this post. 

But first, I thought some of you might like to see what it does if you've never used one before. I don't have a rotary cutter, nice cutting mats, or even a proper cutting table (I cut-out things on my floor), so if I can do this, so can you.  Here is my admittedly quirky method.

Step 1:  Lay out the fabric and fold a corner over to find the bias.  The woven threads should be at right angles to the part you turned up.

Step 2:  Using a ruler and some sort of marking instrument (I use tailor's chalk), start drawing lines about 1 1/4 inches wide.  (The tape maker is for 3/4 inch tape, doubled that is 1 1/2 inches, but this is too thick so I subtract a quarter inch.)  Keep drawing lines until you have as many strips as you need.  Being careful to keep your fabric doubled, cut on the lines you've drawn.

Now you should have a big pile of bias strips.

Step 3:  Now you sew the strips together.  Take two and with right sides together, match-up the ends of two strips at right angles.  (I cut my strips to make them square on the ends because it's easier for me to see how the strips fit together.)  Sew corner to corner... I've drawn a line showing where the stitching line is.

Step 4:  After you've sewn all the strips together, trim the seams.

When you open the seam to the right side, you'll see you have a long strip.

Step 5:  Press the seams open.

Step 6:  Take your bias tape maker and turn it upside down (the colored plastic part is the top) and slide the end of your bias strip into the slot right side up.  I use my seam ripper to push the fabric through to the end.

Turn is over and pull the fabric all the way through and then begin to press the folds into place.  This goes pretty quickly;  pulling the tool with your left hand while pressing with your right.

I usually go over the bias tape once more with an iron just to be sure it is set, then you can either use it right away or wrap it on a piece of cardboard to save for a later day.

And now to the giveaway (finally... I know):  I will be giving away one 3/4 inch bias tape maker, two patterned bias tapes (the aqua print is ~3 yards and the yellow is 5+ yards) and...

Two fat quarters so you can make your own bias tape right away.  I've found one fat quarter will make at least 3 yards of bias tape.

How to win?  Simple.  Just leave a comment AND an email address.  I don't even have a special question to ask... just say hi or tell me what you use bias tape for or your favorite method for fitting patterns (my particular obsession at the moment) or whatever pops into your head.  The giveaway will be open until the end of the 25th, I'll randomly draw the winner on the 26th and let you know who won.  I'll ship to the US and Canada.

I'll stop rambling now so you can get on your way to the next blog and see what's being given away there.


Amy said…
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Amy said…
This is funny- I just messed up a project this afternoon (not thinking through a free internet pattern for lazy quilted placemats and didn't leave enough room on the back piece to bind the parts together) and was thinking about buying some bias tape to fix my mistake. amyk105atyahoodotcom
Erin said…
I have been reading through your blog like mad, after only recently checking it out. So much great stuff!! Thank you for sharing with us!
Anonymous said…
Remind me to bring you directions for sewing a continuous bias strip, will save you time if you don't already know how to do it.

Annie G.
Antonia said…
I've always been into making my own stuff- from bread and yoghurt to clothes, etc. But for some reason it never occurred to me to make bias tape! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

antonia (dot) rk (dot) hughes (at) gmail (dot) com
Becky said…
Great tutorial! I like using bias tape on mug rugs. Thanks so much for sharing with us! Have a great day!
Vintage Girl said…
Yes, I would love to win, never seen this item before, but love it make piping now there's a way to make tape. Wow, thanks for sharing this idea.
yorkie mom said…
Great giveaway! I really need this tool. I am forever burning my fingers on my iron making bias tape! Great idea and instructions! (Allison)
_ said…
I just used bias tape for the first time the other day on some placemats. I'd love to try and make it myself.
So cool! I've been wanting to try the tape maker, but never have.

zucchinisummer at gmail dot com
MamaPPod said…
Bias tape! It means I would sew...maybe. Once that piece of my room is clean.

h said…
Oh, I've been meaning to pick up one of these tools!
kristinorth said…
Hi! I like collecting bias tape and just looking at it - so much potential! :) Thanks for a chance to win!
Jennie said…
Lovely tool!

Thanks for the giveaway!
K.Papageorge said…
I have been wanting one of these forever, but just keep forgetting to pick one up when I go to the craft store! Would be great to win it!
Allison said…
i have been pining for a bias tape maker since i discovered their existence a few months ago! it's been on the list of "things i'd like to have" since then, hoping i'm lucky!
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
Alice said…
I love bias tape. Fun, fun!
kirkandalice at gmail dot com
SydneyK. said…
My mom Would love this. Thanks for the giveaway.
Anonymous said…
Wow - I never knew this tool existed! blueberryblues5(at)gmail
Lindsay said…
This looks like a fun tool to have in my sewing box! It'd sure make fun borders for stuff I make for my toddler! Even a plain white terry cloth towel or burp cloth would be cute with patterned bias tape (some cute animal print fabric maybe?)
Anonymous said…
This sounds useful and the finished product would be much less boring than store-bought. Your blog is refreshing, thanks for the giveaway.
Melissa said…
i've yet to use bias tape but this makes it look so easy!
Amanda said…
simply lovely! thanks for the entry!
Unknown said…
Ooh, I love bias tape for finishing just about anything, and I would love to be able to make my own with this handy dandy tool!

just Lu
Donna Baker said…
fun! that blue fabric matches my 1st quilt I'm making! my email is linked back to my profile. thanks for the chance to win!
Beth said…
This would be nice...I'm thinking it would jump start my applique adventure--all those stems, easy to make?

wordygirl at earthlink dot net
Anonymous said…
I would love a better way to make some bias tape!

alisonDblanchard [at] yahoo [dot] com
debbie said…
love to give making my own bias tape a try. thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Unknown said…
does it really work? like for real? It seems too easy....
Anonymous said…
I've been wanting to make some bound baby blankets with voile and flannel, and one of these little babies would certainly make it simpler!
andrea creates said…
i need to make more bias strips-i always forget i love how they look on projects
Libby Sue said…
Wow! Thanks so much for the tutorial!
I would love this little dohickey~ I love doodads! Thanks for the great step by step, I've never done this before. This would work great in a crazy quilt, I bet you could make fabric flowers and leaves with it, too!
Have a great day!
making my own bias tape is my new pastime, though I haven't tried it yet using a bias tape maker tool!
Erin said…
I always thought making your own bias tape would be complicated or something. Guess I was wrong. So many ideas now, I am all excited.

Thanks for the giveaway!
crazyncrafty (at) gmail (dot) com
Mellissa said…
I have never made bias tape before, but I've been wanting to try it, and I think this little tool would be so handy! Thanks for the great giveaway.
kcenya1950 said…
wow. i am in the middle of a pattern that i just read wants 12 yards (!) of bias tape. perfect timing
Skooks said…
I could totally use one of these!
Nanbon44 said…
this would come in so handy with my quilts
Stacy said…
Very nice. Thank you :)
Byrdi said…
I've always wanted to make bias tape and this seems like the way to start!
Candice said…
Ouu, I'd love this- I make bias by hand, and it's not so even :) hehe

candy at fiber dot net
MaryAnne said…
I've been wanting to learn how to make bias tape for a long time! I'd love that handy tool, and your fabric and the tapes you've made for the package are lovely!
Eema-le said…
I really need one of these. I'm always making my own bias tape and burning my fingers doing it.

limor477 at aol dot com
Kristy said…
I so want one of these! My JoAnns has been out the last few times I've checked. Thank you for the giveaway! :)
Ella said…
I've seen the bias tape maker discussed on blogs, and would feel like my work has been cut in half if I had one of them. So count me in!
Jenilyn said…
Great giveaway! I didn't know they made bias tape makers!! I just fold and pin! Ugh!! I'm hosting a giveaway too at
becky said…
I love making bias tape for little girly dresses, but I don't have a bias tape maker so it's a pain in the butt!
drmithome said…
Great tutorial. I always wondered how those worked.
Corey said…
I've never made my own bias tape before so this prize would be awesome for me to get!

rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com :)

ThreadCatcher said…
I've seen these tools before but never knew how to use them. Thanks for taking the time to show how it is done.
jmniffer at comcast dot net
Kristi said…
Thanks, great giveaway. I've never actually used bias tape so this would be very exciting to win!
mindfulhome at gmail dot com
Megan said…
Cool, I've been wanting to try to make my own bias tape! Thanks for the great giveaway! megancparsons(at)gmail(dot)com
Kelsey said…
I've always wanted to try one of these to make bias tape. :)
ellen said…
Great tutorial and giveaway!

I was wondering how to make my own bias tape.

Sharon said…
Wow, great tutorial, I always think about getting one of these!
Thanks for the chance to win one.
Jenna H. said…
Thanks for the giveaway!
jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com
Cherie said…
OMG ! what a great give a way. And your tutorial is awesome!
Len said…
Thanks for the giveaway- I have to confess, I always buy bias tape because I've never tried making it before.
Jessica said…
Hi. I've been wanting one of these!

jessica (at) homfamily (dot) com
Brielle said…
This would actually encourage me to use bias tape. :)
Crafty Moira said…
I've been resisting buying one of these for a while, since I know I don't really "need" it... but if I won one, now that's a different story!
Nancy Sue said…
Perfect giveaway! Eveyone needs these. Thanks for the tutorial too!!!
BA said…
I need one!! Such a good idea for a giveaway!!


bsyb said…
I have recently been exposed to the joys of bias tape! I can't get enough. I have yet to purchase a bias tape maker of my own and this would be a perfect addition for my tiny sewing household. thanks!!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Karin said…
Thanks for the tutorial. I have always wondered how those work. I have a project that needs bias tape that is just waiting...
Les said…
What a great tool! I avoid projects requiring bias tape because I don't like the boring solid colors it comes in! This would fix that :)
Sharon said…
Thanks for the great tute & the great giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Sigh! Bias tape is so useful in so many ways. I don't have this particular tip, yet. I actually make it sometimes and then just wrap it and put it in my trim jar. Just to have. It makes me happy.
Anonymous said…
Oh shoot! My e-mail is redredreeves at aol dot com
LisaT said…
I generally make my own binding (not with a tool) for quilts. Ive made a stained glass quilt about 15years ago using the premade tape. Thanks!
Unknown said…
Thank you so much for your giveaway and helping me to understand bias tape!!
Michelle said…
I finish off the edges of my apron projects with bias tape. Thanks for posting such a nifty tool!
Deb said…
This would be great to win - thanks for the chance! This is the perfect size for bias tape.
Mom C said…
I use pattened bias tape as trim on lots of girl's dresses.Always adds to the look.
Melanie said…
I just saw someone using this and was amazed! How easy! That is only part of quilting that was just tedious. I hope I win:) Thanks for the chance! thurbs8(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I like this giveaway. so much fun. thanks
Jingle said…
That seems simple enough! Thanks for the tutorial and the great prize! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Christie S. said…
Oh my gosh! I've always wanted a bias tape maker. And you have a tutorial to go with it? Too cool. Thanks for the chance.
Amorette said…
great idea! i could really use this! i have been making a lot of bunting lately for kids!

asdrexler at gmail dot com
Unity said…
A bias tape maker would be awesome to have. I find it is such a pain in the butt to make by hand.

Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway. :)

modernwench @
Megan said…
Somehow I never think to make my own bias tape, always using the plain colors in the pre-made versions. Would love to win this and try making my own!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the giveaway!
jenb0799 (at) gmail (dot) com
R said…

What a clever tool! I had no idea there was such a thing!

RP from BBC {at} gmail {dot} com
Jessica said…
Awesome giveaway! I have been looking for a bias tape maker, but I haven't been able to find one... It's weird! Thanks a lot!
Stephanie said…
I love this little tutorial!
Anonymous said…
Hello, Neat giveaway. I suspect that many of us that don't already have a bias tape maker don't know what we are missing. Thanks for the chance to win. Linda
zees5 said…
Thank you for a great giveaway! ~Paige izazbz at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
thanks for the giveaway. i have always wanted to get one of those.
stitchinpenny said…
Love the mini tutorial on making bias tape. Thanks for participating in the SMS Giveaway Day.
Lissa said…
You make bias tape making look easy. Thanks for the chance to win.
JaideyBug said…
bias tape is wonderful for so many things! thanks for the chance to win!
jacy468 at aim dot com
Mike and Jackie said…
Wow I think I am in love with this tool! I hope I win
Amanda said…
I've made bias tape before, but ironed it by hand. I have wanted to try this tool
Amanda said…
I've made bias tape before, but ironed it by hand. I've been meaning to try this tool!
smooze13 (at) aol (dot) com
Jenny H said…
hey :)

looks like something fun to learn!! :D


Keri said…
Wow, what an amazing little tool! I am pretty new to the sewing/ quilting world, so have never seen this before. I did handmake some binding for a table runner I made in the fall. This tool would have been a great help!
sherri s. said…
I've really been wanting to try this! I'd use it on a wraparound (1970s style) skirt, for sure! I'm having a giveaway of vintage sewing stuff on my blog, Foziewisp. Please stop by! Thanks!
JustPam said…
I have been eyeing some of those bias tape makers. If I win I will find out if I like using them!
Anonymous said…
thanks for the giveaway

Heidi said…
What a great little tool, I didn't even know it existed. A great time saver!
Thanks fir the chance!
Erin said…
Thanks for the tutorial on how to use one of these puppies! For some reason, I always pick them up in the store and then put them back down because they intimidate me. Now it doesn't look so hard!
jessieaucoin said…
i love bias tape! thanks for participating in the giveaway!
Jocelyn said…
What a great giveaway! I've never used one before. Looks great! Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day.
danette said…
It is my oldest son's birthday. he is 11. He is the oldest of five kids. I love to create.
Renee G said…
Oh -- I have been wanting one of these so bad. I love that you showed how to use it -- I've been curious.
Anonymous said…
That is an awesome tool! I make charity quilts, so I could really use that a lot! I promise I would give it a good home. Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacque in SC
Laree said…
I've always wanted to try a bias tape maker. I learned how to DIY one (with a long needle and your ironing board), but I've wanted to see if a real one would be easier!
Rachel D said…
What a great giveaway! Thank you :) radasa873[at]gmail[dot]com
Krissa said…
Looks like fun! I hate buying bias tape. Great tool.

craftsinbloom at gmail dot com
Heaven said…
This is so neat! I haven't seen a tool like this before and would love to put it to use!
drewteach said…
What a neat giveaway! I'd love to try the bias tape maker!
bethany said…
great way to make it for skirts, aprons, quilts...lovely thanks!!d
Southern Girl said…
Cool, thank you!
Rachael said…
This looks awesome! Thanks!
Lise said…
I've been wanting one of these gadgets; thanks so much for the chance!

I recently discovered my newest favorite low-tech sewing tool--my wants-to-help toddler girl. I sit her on top of pattern and paper, and cut--no pins needed!
Domestic Diva said…
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
Jansie said…
Oh, I've always wanted to try one of those. I've just gotten into creating my own binding and it should does look like it would make things easier. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah said…
I really want one of these to use for blankie bindings! Thanks for the chance to win!
Chiska said…
I've always wanted to know how those worked. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Good giveaway, I bet this little gadget would make my life much easier, lol! Thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
Oh, I've been wanting to try this! So thoughtful of you to tell us how to use it as well! Hooray!

Lauria said…
I just saw one of these today! Looks really cool. I've never made my own bias tape before, but I'd love to try! Thanks for the giveaway as well as the tutorial!

Email is in my profile. :)
Crystal Arcand said…
This is one of the coolest tools ever, I think!

crystalarcand (at) gmail (dot) com
Memories By Me said…
WOW what a GREAT tool! I make bias binding apparently the hard way hahaha! Thanks for the chance to win!
Emily said…
I have a 2 inch bias tape maker that I love! I recently made bias tape to bind a toy car mat that I made for my son.
emilycmeyer at gmail dot com
Katherine said…
I like to use bias tape to make little bags, including the handles.
Unknown said…
Oooh a bias tape maker is on my wish list! I was eyeing one the other day! katiefewell(at)gmail(dot)com
Serena said…
Beautiful bias tapes. I love bias tape, and I love making it! Thank you for the giveaway! serenakate at gmail dot com
Kristie said…
Cool. I've never made my own bias tape, but it makes a project so much nicer. I'd love to try. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Shana Putnam said…
I have been wanting one of these!!
Anonymous said…
I just said the other day I wanted a bias tape maker.

anna [at] 64colorbox [dot] com
ElfRenee said…
Wow, this is so cool! I've never seen one before!

Anonymous said…
I've never seen anything like this before. Cool!
I have never used one of those tools. Would love to win it and start making my own tape!
Mary B
Taleah said…
Wow - that's pretty cool! taleah at roknor dot com
Em said…
I like to use bias tape around arm holes and on hems.
Liz said…
What a great little tool. Bias tape would be so much easier! I use it primarily on my bags/purses.
Anne said…
Great item! acarp [at] swbell [dot] net
Ashley said…
Thanks for the giveaway.
rascarborough (at) gmail (dot) com
Ly said…
Thanks for the chance to win! What a great giveaway. I love making my own bias tape.


Anonymous said…
I love making bias tape! I could actually make it nicely if I had one of these! Now I just do it the old fashioned way, with my (burnt) fingers and the iron.
mtrand2 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
How neat! I've seen those in the store, but never purchased one. Thank you for a chance to win!
Cricket said…
I just got a half inch bias tape maker. Boy that tape is tiny! Other than that I have always done it by hand. I'd love to add a 3/4 inch maker to my equipment. And some already done? Even better. I think a bias-tape themed giveaway is really nice.

p c said…
great giveaway! my next project is making bias tape, hurray. i use it to bind quilts.
Carrie said…
A bias tape maker is on my sewing wish list. Thanks for the giveaway!
Pippa said…
Looking forward to try to make continuous bias tape and this tool would come in handy!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Crystal Hendrix said…
I have always wanted to try the bias tape maker!!!
Sandi P said…
Great giveaway. Thanks!
Callie said…
I'm brand new to sewing and loving it so much.

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
CMEH said…
THanks for the great giveaway and tute... I have been wondering about it and woudl love to try it! Thanks
Liz M said…
I had to read back through your blog to make sure you aren't the same homeschooling mom with some adopted kids who lives in an ugly house in Evanston that I know from CBS! Are there more than one of you?! Patty? :)

I'm on the fince about buying the bias tap maker from Hopefully I'll win and find that your method is better an cheaper.

Anyway thanks for the giveaway. Hello from Chicago and if you want to know more about your stunt double Patty, email me.
liz at mommysaidsew dot com
Steph Jacobson said…
I like to use bias tape on potholders--so much cuter when you can make your own from fun fabric!
stephkucera (at) hotmail (dot) com
Melissa said…
Thank you for the giveaway. It looks so easy making bias tape with this. No more burnt fingers. :)
Jennie said…
That would be a good prize! I've read tutorials before on how to make bias tape, but it looked like too much work if you didn't have the tool dealie! :P

Thanks for the giveaway!
Karen P. said…
this would come in so handy! I'd use it to hem a girls skirt.
Lisa said…
I have never made my own bias tape because I don't have one of these cool little tools. I so often wish that I did. I use bias tape for a lot of my projects. Thanks for the chance to win!
Amanda2089 said…
I use bias tape for wallets and armholes :). I've always wanted to try on of these. Thanks for doing this :)
Mary said…
I love homemade bias tape! Great idea for a giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
fern said…
i love bias tape! especially like patterned fun ones! :-)
Elle said…
That looks so cool - I hope I win! :) Thanks!
am12pm said…
I love bias tape!! Thanks for a good giveaway!!
Jo said…
great giveaway!
Tamara said…
very handy
Amanda said…
This would be great to use!
Lindsay said…
Hi! Thanks for sharing with us.

lindsay dot forgette at gmail dot com
lydiaruth said…
This would be an awesome tool to have around!

Meikjn said…
I almost bought one of these the other day.
Sharleen said…
Thanks for the giveaway!
Annie said…
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would LOVE to have a bias tape maker!
Erica said…
I love little gadgets like that. me (dot)burke (at)live (dot) com
anne said…
thanks for the quick tutorial and a chance to win. Have a great day!
dagan said…
i must admit, i've been lusting after a bias tape maker for a while. i trim bibs in bias tape and matching the more colorful fabrics is a pain!

thanks for the giveaway! mnethia [at] yahoo [dot] com
joyce said…
I would love to win this. I have wanted a bias tape maker for a long time.
HelenN said…
That's so cool! I've never seen a bias tape maker before and thanks for the tutorial.

EmGabs said…
I've never seen one of these before but it seems like such a handy gadget. I have so many projects on my to-do list that use bias tape so this would be perfect!

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