Equine Facilitated Learning
I am a certified practitioner of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) and I am currently in the process of earning diploma level certification. My main focus is on helping parents who are parenting adopted or special needs children, though you do not have to fit that category to work with me.
From parenting many children with many different needs, I have learned the hard way that to connect and develop our relationships with our children, often it is we, the parents, who need to change first. Our children cannot make the changes they need to thrive until we meet them most of the way. But often, because it is so easy to get stuck in a negative and reacting space, we cannot fathom changing or even understand that we need to.
Enter horses.
Other than just being fantastic animals, horses also have more mirror neurons than most other creatures. This allows them to mirror back to us our emotional and physical states in a non-confrontational way. EFL uses the mirroring ability of horses to help create change for our clients. In a session, the change would be experienced by doing something differently in an interaction with the horse, and having experienced that, provide an avenue to take that sense of change into a person's everyday life.
My job is to make observations about an interaction, give suggestions as to how that interaction could change, and then ask questions about the process. Since this is not therapy and I am not a therapist, I don't need to know your "stuff". I make observations, you make the connections to your personal experience.
If you are interested in scheduling a series of sessions or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bittersweet Farm LLC