Out of shape

Yesterday saw us back to our regular schedule. As far as first days back after a break, Monday wasn't too bad. People remembered how to do math relatively quickly after a little bit of required moaning. I, on the other hand, am clearly out of shape. I think I enjoyed my break a little too much, with not having something to do something every single minute of the day. Getting through yesterday just about did me in. Of course, I did run important errands first thing after settling everyone down with their math. Then we did school, followed immediately by me leaving for my riding lesson. As I mentioned earlier, to make things work, I needed to shift my grocery shopping, so I did that after my lesson. By the time I got home and we got the groceries unloaded and put away, it was teatime. Since teatime was a little later than usual, it was followed by feeding the horses after which I finally had a few moments to get a shower. After the much needed shower dinner was looming. Actually it was past looming as we ate rather late.

Today we left early to go to our co-op which took most of the day. While I did find time to do some much needed things in the kitchen, I'm not sure I would call the day relaxing. I am tired. I think I need to build up my stamina a bit. Tomorrow is less busy, so I'm hoping a have a chance to sit at least for a little bit, but what I'm really needing to do is tackle the laundry. The laundry which I haven't touched in four days. This is not good.

If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it could be that the laundry won. You might need to send help. Though if I'm sitting down when the laundry wins, maybe don't be over quick about sending that help. Give me a few minutes first, ok?


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