A milestone I never thought we'd reach

I've mentioned more than once about how the younger group of children around here have all become readers. More often than not, I'll look around and see multiple children sprawled about reading. H. has never been one to be left out of what others are doing, and she, too, has her nose in a book more often than not.

She is reading the words I am sure; she reads just fine these days. What I wasn't sure about was whether she was actually understanding what she was reading. Because of her need to do what everyone else was doing, I could totally see her sitting there and reading the words without comprehension.


H. checked some Babysitter's Club graphic novels out of the library, and has been deeply engrossed in them. I think the combination of pictures with the text helps her to better understand what was going on. The other night, H. was happily telling J. about the book she was reading... what was happening and how much she enjoyed it. It was detailed enough that I realized she was indeed understanding. When I told her that after she finished the graphic novels that there were dozens of other Babysitter's Club books, she was thrilled.

Who knew that at some point in my life I would be thankful for the Babysitter's club?

When H. first came home there was so little she understood. She and I worked so hard for so many years just to conquer very basic things. To see her be able to have the joy of reading makes my heart so happy.


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