I don't always have it all together
It never fails. You go along thinking that you have this parenting-thing figured out, that you are on the top of your game, and something happens to knock you down a peg or two. Specifically, two weeks ago, I was feeling pretty good about my relationship with R., with how R. was doing, and how we had really turned a corner in doing life together. And then right before Thanksgiving, she had a really hard night. That felt like a set-back, but the next night she slept well again and we had a lovely and peaceful holiday. So far, so good. Thanksgiving night she was up a bit. Friday night she was also up a bit and life during the day wasn't going quite as smoothly. This all continued until by the beginning of this week, life was not good at night and not good during the day. Nothing I did seemed to make any difference. She was back to acting as though my mere presence was an afront she couldn't cope with. And I was sleep deprived and feeling pretty darn despondent. I'll also say ...