Fiber Monday - More about the loom

Last Friday, the day we had planned to get the Christmas tree, we had to first get the loom out of the van, into the house, and up the stairs. It's a good thing D. was home. As I mentioned, this loom is heavy. It's probably at least 300 pounds. No one was excited about taking it up the stairs. 

Between, J., D., K., and I, we managed it. K. and J. Were at the front pulling and D. and I were in the back pushing (or more precisely just stopping it from falling back down) and by taking it a step at a time, we made it to the top. It is still somewhat disassembled and probably will remain that way until after Christmas. I have figured out a few of the pieces that need replacing, but until I can try to put it together I won't know the full extent. There are brake gears in a box, so I am guardedly hopeful that they are mostly there. It feels a little daunting, I'll admit, but also exciting. 

Figuring out how to store it.

The main body of the loom. In the box are hundreds of heddles which go in the shafts.

The 12 shafts. These are crazy heavy.

The beater bar, warp beam, and cloth beam.

And that's all I have. I've been working on projects, but most of what I have to show, I can't really show for fear of ruining surprises. December could be pretty thin in terms of fiber news. 


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