Sneaking in under the wire
We are supposed to start school this week, which is why I spent all morning and early afternoon finishing up the details of the school planning. I have never left it until so late, and this was cutting a bit close even for my taste. I need to make a mental note that next year I just need to do it in late July whether I feel like it or not and just get it over with. I have left much less wiggle room in the schedule this year just because there was so much I wanted to include. This also makes me a little nervous because I know how frequently life can undo a nicely planned schedule. I can always cut some things out if I find that they aren't going to fit. So what was I doing today? It was all those little odds and ends which get left for later. Some of the books I had placed on hold didn't come in until Thursday, so after looking at them, I had to figure out where they were going to go. This changed the original flow of the schedule, so the biggest thing was to reassign which ...