The good side of stuff lying about
For many years R. would never leave things lying around the house. Toys, shoes, coats, anything she saw as hers was crammed either in her closet or under her pillow if she weren't actually clutching it. I know this seems like a parent's dream come true, but in actuality it ends up feeling more than a little disconcerting. You see, children who are secure in their home and don't worry that their possessions will still be there if they walk away are children who leave things about. But orphanages and children's hones teach another lesson. If you aren't holding something or hiding it, then the odds are not in your favor that you will ever see that item again. These lessons are deeply ingrained and not easily unlearned in favor of healthier options when a child reaches a safe situation. I tell parents all the time that for some things you really need to think in years instead of just weeks or months. This can be difficult to really comprehend sometimes. As an example...