Let the festivities begin

D. made it home this afternoon and it's so good to see him. Thanksgiving may still be several days away, but when college students arrive home it feels as though the holiday has started. P. also joined us for dinner tonight so we were nine at the table (K. was at work). In our family this means the conversation and laughter quotient increases dramatically. It makes my heart happy. 

D. was also telling us about sone of the research he has been helping with. He's currently working with an organic chemistry professor and some of what he does involves working with pure lithium. L. has already asked me for lithium as a gift. L. will not be getting lithium as a gift. But really, L.'s current obsession is geology, particularly sand, so while disappointing, this news wasn't devastating. (Yes, you read that correctly. If you know her in person you can ask and be regaled with the wonders of sand. It will give the rest of us a brief respite.) 

And D. is willing to take on the job of roll baking, which also fills me with great happiness. 


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