Halloween... in the hospital
It's been quite the last 48 hours. I'm tired. J. is even more tired. R. is tired. Probably my older children are tired from playing parent for two days. Two nights ago, Monday night, R. surprised us with a big seizure. There was nothing that would indicate one was coming. J. moved her into our room, hoping we would sleep. We did, fitfully, because she proceeded to have three more big seizures during the night. Tuesday morning she was a little dazed as is to be expected, and then had one more big seizure. I thought perhaps that was it, and had her sitting in a chair under a blanket to begin to recover. Of course, the five minutes I leave the room to go to the bathroom, R. starts in on her psychotic behavior, trying to throw anything within reach. I was called by children who were doing a great job of removing any potential projectiles. It looked as though life was heading south pretty quickly so I called J., admitted I had no margin, and then burst into sobs when he asked if...