A post about nothing except a grain mill

I have so many different ideas roiling around in my head, but not enough clarity of thought to actually begin to write about any one of them. There's the whole "Go home" statement by a high profile conservative Christian in regards to women in ministry. I'm feeling the need for (yet) another post about the importance of play and early learning skills for children regardless of their age. A post  dealing with sibling rivalry is taking up space in a corner of my brain. I could probably write another diatribe against video schooling and the importance of interacting with live teachers. And those are just the ones I can think of at the moment. It's busy inside my head, but not terribly coherent.

So instead of something thoughtful and thought provoking, instead I'll share that my grain mill motor arrived back home today. I should amend that. A grain mill motor arrived today, but it was not the same one that I sent in for repairs. Instead, I received a brand new one because they couldn't repair my old one. I am extremely excited. D. has promised to bake bread in the morning, and I happily did not buy bread at the store today. Everyone was growing tired of squishy, bland bread.

I am also pleased that a promised life time warranty is indeed that. Grain mills are not cheap, and it felt a little frivolous to buy at least fourteen years ago. I'm glad I did. It has seen nearly constant use over those fourteen years, with at least one repair (possibly two), and now a brand new motor and grinder. It was worth it.

Everything else can now go back to roiling around in my head. Maybe it will all come to something at some point.


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