I learned today that shipped is Army-speak for when new recruits leave for basic training. Shipped is what TM did today. I know this is a very good choice for him and he is excited, but I'll admit this was hard. (One of the first pictures we ever saw of TM) We've been through a lot, he and I. We struggled and fought (both with each other and for each other). We learned to appreciate each other and deeply love each other. (Just after TM and D. became Boy Scouts) I am a very different person because of this son of mine. I think I'm a better person. I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about other people; things I wouldn't have known without learning to parent this child. It has been bittersweet today. I've been doing a lot of remembering and pondering over the past 15 years. I wish I could go back, touch myself on the shoulder, and whisper that it really will turn out okay. Because it did. I couldn't be prouder of the young man TM has become. I like him and...