More pony pictures

Can you stand more pony pictures and stories? Because it isn't everyday that you get to bring home the cutest pony in the world. First some pictures that B. took from yesterday.

The big horses have been a bit... unsettled. I left the barn last night with them all staring at Vienna and when I went back out in the morning, instead of being greeted by horses in the dry lot waiting for breakfast, there was no one. Instead, they were all in their stalls staring at the pony. Based on their stalls, all they did all night was stare at the pony. 

Then I turned them out, the big horses in one pasture and Vienna in the other. Once again, the big horses couldn't stop looking at they pony, who pretty much ignored them.

Eventually, they were able to calm down enough to go about grazing. At the end of the afternoon, I let Bristol in with Vienna. They sniffed each other and both went back to grazing. In the meantime, Java and Emmy were losing what little mind they share between them because not only was there a pony next door, but now Bristol was, too! They had to spend some time losing their collective brain. Eventually, they settled enough to go back to grazing. So, I let them in, too. 

There was much racing and squealing and kicking and ear pinning, but no blood. And after a bit, detente seemed to be reached.

You may have to click on the picture, but that's the three big horses on the left and Vienna on the right, grazing in the same pasture. I wouldn't call the four of them a herd yet, though. 

Everyone is now tucked in after a very long day. With the great amount of running and pacing and the little bit of grazing and resting that happened, they must all be exhausted. The three still seemed more than a little surprised that there is a pony in the stall across the aisle. Vienna just seemed happy to have her grazing muzzle off, have some hay, and not have to be chased by big horses.

Maybe by tomorrow the newness will have worn off a bit for me, too, and I can write about something else and not spend every waking minute at the barn.


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