A little spinning update

We had another relaxing day today. Well, the children had a relaxing day. I did laundry, went to the grocery store, and washed all the linens we used on Thanksgiving and stuck them in the freezer to iron later. The house feels a little bit more organized now. There were some highlights, though. First, D. made bread so we could all enjoy turkey-cranberry orange relish sandwiches for lunch. To my mind, these sandwiches are the real reason to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Second, I spent some time in my studio at the spinning wheel. I finished the blue merino wool I have been working on forever. All that's left to do is to ply it together, wash, and hang it to dry. I love how it turned out, and I cannot wait to see what it looks like plied together. The only downside is that I'm afraid it is going to make a very small amount of yarn. I also started the Blue Faced Leicester wool that I bought in October. It is beautiful with dark plums and browns. Right now I am spinn...