Friday, Nov. 8. 2019

Well this week has certainly been far better than the last. I am extremely thankful for that.

  • Yesterday we got a chance to see if the new rescue meds for R. really work. I was waking up yesterday morning when I hear an all too familiar shrieking that boded ill. R. comes into my room complaining of her eye hurting and telling me she had a seizure. (The latter is unconfirmed, but behavior-wise, I was not doubting it.) She was quickly heading off the rails. I ask her to sit in the chair in my room so I can go to the bathroom, and this was almost more than she could manage, wanting to get up and run to where ever the most chaos could be caused. I give her the emergency medicine, and have her sit on my lap. Within five minutes she is back to being able to have a real conversation. I had asked P. and G. to do the horses for me, because I had no idea what life was going to be looking like. But after sitting on my lap for a while, we were able to get on with life as usual. This feels kind of huge.
  • My brother is visiting this weekend, which is a lot of fun. He came mainly to deliver the side of beef that we are splitting. Here is what my freezer looks like at the moment.

That's one side of beef, one side of lamb, plus two 20 pound turkeys and whatever else I had already in there. I think we're set for a while. It is a beautiful sight... almost as beautiful as a barn full of hay.

  • I also want to show you this beautiful crock that my brother and sister-in-law gave us.

It's a crock for sour dough starter, and my sister in law included some starter in it. I'm very excited to try making our own sourdough bread. I've never done that.
  • Winter seems to be arriving early this year. We'll be spending the weekend getting everything ready for the outside animals to be comfortable during the cold snap they are predicting for next week.
  • Speaking of colder weather, I thought this article, The Norwegian Secret to Enjoying a Long Winter, was really interesting. I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to complaining about winter weather. I think I'm going to have to be more careful about that. And I really do love winter hiking. Maybe some day I can learn to drive a team and then get a sleigh to drive. How cool would that be? 
  • I never told you the outcome of my grain mill story. Not only did they send a brand new motor (again), but an entirely new grain mill... which works! Plus I was sent a prepaid address label to send back the new motor which didn't work. We are back in business again. Everyone was thrilled to have good bread again.
And now because it's late, I'm ending here. Have a good weekend!


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