Adoption 101

Things are better around here now. Today R. even went outside and played water gun chase with everyone. More surprisingly, she even let people spray her back without it becoming a 'thing'. I just never know what kind of day we're going to have when I wake up in the morning. Life is not dull, that's for sure.

This is not going to be the most interesting post, because I realize that I need a place to put all my Adoption 101 posts so they are more shareable. Feel free to click through and read the ones you might have missed, but really this is just to make my own life a little easier.

These will be listed from oldest to newest.

Adoption 101: Indiscriminate Affection

Adoption 101: Free Time

Adoption 101: Prepare to be Humbled

Adoption 101: Glitches

Adoption 101: The Process (though since the adoption process is constantly changing, this could be rather out of date)

Adoption 101: Files Can Lie

Adoption 101: Life After Coming Home

Adoption 101: Chronological and Emotional/Developmental Ages Don't Always Match

Adoption 101: Hills to Die On

Adoption 101: Attachment

Adoption 101: Emotions

Adoption 101: Flexibility

And it seems I already did this, plus added a few more.

Adoption: A List of Articles Dealing with Attachment, Trauma, Education, and Connection

Here's hoping the next time I need a list like this I can find it, and won't have to create a third blog post. It all starts to get a bit much, I think.


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