Homeschooling the Difficult Child
I have discovered that, to the best of my knowledge, the website where I had quite a bit published is now defunct. Since I was never paid for the articles I wrote there, I'm going to repost a few of them here over the next few weeks. I would like to be able to link to them every so often. This particular article was written back in February of 2015, so quite a bit ago. I am still glad today that I made the decisions I did back then. Homeschooling is a wonderful thing when your children are generally cooperative and life is relatively calm. If only it were this way always. Here’s the reality: some seasons of life are harder than others and some children are harder than others. It’s just how it is and I have found that it is a far more productive use of my time to learn to accept the season or the child rather than to struggle to change one thing or the other. While each child has their own strengths, quirks, and challenges, a few of mine have more than their fair share...