All the little seedlings

M. seems to think that my past posts and pictures about how the many seedlings have taken over my life don't really do justice to the current state of small plantlings in the house. Today I spent much of the day separating out the next batch of seedlings. I finished with the sweet and hot peppers, and am about half way through the tomatoes. There's a lot of plants.

These are the six trays out in the living room. There are also three trays in the utility room. Some of seeds that I'm waiting on to germinate, but most are little plants.

Here are a bunch of sweet peppers.

Some of the tomatoes that have been separated. (The grow light turns everything oddly purple.)

These are the tomatoes I have yet to separate. My guess is that there is another forty little plants here.

In the utility room I have some seedlings that are ready to start heading outside to harden off. Well, after this last gasp of winter we are supposed to have tomorrow, that is. I'll wait until the weather goes back to normal.

At the top are broccoli plants and at the bottom of Brussels sprouts.

These are all green and red cabbage. I seem to have ended up with quite few.

The most difficult thing about this seed starting season is that Nefertiti has decided that digging up the little seedlings is her new passion. I've had to invest in taller tray covers to keep her out of them. I am so tired of replanting little seedlings. On the whole, the carnage hasn't been horrible. I think she has only done in four seedlings. But still, it's annoying.


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