Circus side shows
I finished the peaches last night (at 11 pm). (The tally? Twenty-one quarts of canned sliced peaches, 11 pints of jam... or peach syrup if you insist that jam must actually be jelled, and 7 pie's worth of frozen peaches in the freezer. Plus we still have a fruit drawer full of fruit to eat.) I can now move on to other things. And those other things? Pondering why this past weekend's article in the paper about large families annoyed me so much. It wasn't necessarily a bad article. The mothers of the families interviewed (one of them Mary, from Owlhaven , a blog I regularly read) were articulate and normal sounding. There wasn't even the requisite interview in the these types of articles from the 'opposition'. (In homeschooling articles this view is routinely represented by either an upper level school superintendent type or teacher's union rep and in a large family article it would be either some child psychologist about ...