Lest you think I have it all together
The beauty of writing a blog is that I can edit my life to make it appear that I live an always picked-up, calm and serene existence. Since this really is not the case, I like to disabuse you of this notion every so often. Take my dining room table for example. Here is what is currently gracing it at the moment: Yes, those are dead cone flowers and yes, they are still sitting on my table. They looked very nice a couple of weeks ago when A. picked them when M. and B. came home. Now? Not so much. But there they sit because I don't notice them or think about them until we are actually sitting down to dinner. Then I will say something like, "Boy, I should do something about those flowers." Everyone agrees and we eat dinner. After leaving the table, I forget about them again and the same scene is played out the next evening. And really, I'll do something about them soon. Houseplants suffer the same fate in my hands and ev...