Got mooncakes?

For once I am planning ahead!  I must be finally coming out of my pregnant with twins/nursing twins and never sleeping fog.  And what am I planning ahead for?  Why, Tet Trung Thu, of course.  For those readers without ties to Vietnam, that is the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, which occurs on September 22 this year.  The festivities include parading with lanterns and eating mooncakes.  I've always been pretty good about the lantern part... especially because one of my good friends stocked-up on them the last time she was in China.  But the mooncake part has always been a bust.  This year will be different.  I just finished ordering fresh pineapple (which I much prefer over the red bean type) moomcakes which will be delivered to my door in time to celebrate.  If I do nothing else today I will feel as though I have accomplished something.  Do you need mooncakes?  Mam Non, an organization in Ann Arbor, Michigan dedicated to sharing Vietnamese culture with the adoption community, makes them fresh each year and sells them in their etsy shop:  Mam Non Organization Shop.  If I remember right from having missed them in years past, they go fast.


In a completely unrelated note, I have a new post up on The Homeschooling Blog about children and chores.


asian~treasures said…
Sounds yummy! We make our own version of mooncakes; they're yummy, too!! (And, very kid friendly.)

Anonymous said…
Thank you thank you thank you for the reminder and the link! We bought them last year and they were SO good. All my kids loved them.

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