On cats and quail
As far as Nefertiti and Midnight are concerned the addition of a small quail chick is the best thing they've ever seen. This is how Nefertiti spent most of her day yesterday. Of course, quail watching is exhausting, so naps must happen. And then there is the line for the prime viewing seat. As soon as I took this, Nefertiti decided to go do something else, so Midnight immediately moved into better viewing position. Sometimes the cats like the little quail a bit too much. While I was making dinner yesterday, I happened to catch Nefertiti pawing at the box and she managed to upend it. I was across the room fast enough, yelling at the cat, to scare he off and scoop up the chick. All was well, and we put the brooder box to rights. There is still now a large strap holding the box onto the table. (You can see it in the bottom picture.) A couple of quail hatching notes, because the instructions I've found in various places are not well-written or terribly infor...