Can you take some more joy and cuteness?

I wanted to post this news here in case anyone missed it on the facebook page.  Ready?  There is a family applying to adopt Joseph!!  How exciting is that?  I have emailed back and forth with them a bit and they seem great.  Oh, how I'm praying that it all works out.  I am also incredibly humbled and joyful that God used my blog to help put this boy and this family together.  I love seeing God work.  (And even better?  They don't live horribly far from us, so it seems possible that H. and Joseph can keep in contact.)

And I know that in my self-absorption with all things travel-approval, that those of you who require frequent little girl pictures have been suffering.  So here they are eating spaghetti at lunch today.  (Which explains the messy faces.)  I know I'm biased, but I really do think they are the cutest things.

Here's L. (You can also spot A.'s new glasses in the background as she complains that she'll be in the picture.)

And here's G.:

And I don't know about you, but I can't resist little girls in pokey tails.

The sun is shining, the house is almost clean, and we're going to get H. soon!  Even the piles of laundry don't look so horrible today.


Anonymous said…
Hey there,
My name is Carrie Barker (maiden name is Stine): I'm the daughter of Michael & Lisa Stine, from a long time ago. I vaguely remember you...I think that it was just the two of you then....I'm not even sure if you were married yet!
Anyway, My husband and I got married about a year and a half ago and we know have a beautiful 9 month old daughter. We practice Natural family planning & I saw your blog address on your Christmas card while we were visiting my mom and felt compelled to visit and comment! What a blessing it is to have so many beautiful children, and to defy what JPII calls "The Culture of Death". I am very encouraged by blogs like yours. I am not nearly as faithful of a blogger as you, but my blog is:

My husband and I are very interested in adoption, homeschooling, and having a large family. We're also interested in farming. I've been looking into adoption, foster care, etc, but feel very drawn to international adoption for a variety of reasons. We aren't in debt, and are very blessed to have the resources to see the prospect of a farm in a couple of years with frugal living and a lot of saving, but I am wondering if you could educate me a bit about the actual cost of an adoption. I am particularly interested in adopting from East Africa (I lived in Uganda for about a year) but I know that there are serious restrictions on adopting from Africa.

Another side note, I am 24, my husband is 27, and we are rock solid, but I know that we are young.

Any advice for a young, aspiring, likeminded woman?

Carrie Barker
thecurryseven said…
Hi Carrie,

Of course I remember you! (You were pretty little, so I'm surprised you remember me at all.) I'm so glad you commented and said hi. I'm going to hop over to your blog and comment a little more.


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