Yet more randomness

I have high hopes for a coherent, well thought-out post for tomorrow, but it isn't going to happen today.  Instead, you get a little bit of everything.

Yesterday K. had his cleft-team appointment.  On the whole it went very well.  Because he is small, the plastic surgeon wants to put off the bone graft surgery for another year.  He also saw the cleft-team speech therapist.  Currently he does not need speech therapy.  (Hallelujah!)  What's more the therapist confirmed my pet theories as regards K.'s speech development.  That is, he is doing just fine if we subtract two years from his age to adjust for the two years he was in the orphanage.  She was quite pleased the with progress he has been making and sees no reason to change what we are doing.  Lastly, it looks as though we will need to do a sleep study on K. because of the amount of snoring that he does at night.  He could have pediatric sleep apnea and not only is severe sleep apnea dangerous, if the brain does not get enough oxygen while the child is asleep, it can interfere with normal development... both physical and intellectual.  And as not fun as a sleep study sounds on a four year old, I guess I have to put 'making the appointment' on my to-do list.

This afternoon is my designated time to slog through a pile of home study paperwork.  Once I get that done, there are only a few more odds and ends before my part of the home study process is completed.  I cannot tell you how excited I will be to have it off my plate.  At this point just waiting for approvals seems as though it will be easier than what I'm doing now.  Yeah, I know, go ahead and laugh.  In two months I will probably be back here and whining about the wait.  But the grass always does seem greener, doesn't it?

As I looked at what I posted yesterday, I realized I didn't give you the complete information about our Lenten Tree.  (See, I warned you this would be random.)  I only gave you the link to the list of devotions.  I didn't give you the link to the pictures so you could see what I was talking about.  Now you can... if you want.

Finally, don't forget to enter the giveaway if you want a chance to win a copy of The Hole in our Gospel.  This link should work, unlike the one I gave you yesterday.


Shonya said…
Oh the joys of the adoption process, right? "Hurry up and wait!" :)
sandwichinwi said…
I missed what I was supposed to say in the comments to win the book and it's probably too late because it's almost 11 pm and I really want to read your post about psalm 32 but I'm too tired and I'm trying to catch up on blogs and please just enter me, ok?


sandwichinwi said…
And here's my creepy face book enter me twice post. I bet I was supposed to comment on the giveaway post. Rats.

thecurryseven said…
Hey Sandwich-- you make me laugh! And yes, we need to meet in person and no, I don't think you're a creepy stalker.

Lucy said…
Does K have his adenoids? Maybe an x-ray to see if his adenoids are large enough to inhibit breathing would be simpler and quicker than a sleep study - the solution is surgery but for adenoids alone (assuming tonsils are too big too) it's really not too bad.
Lucy said…
Oops- should have said "assuming tonsils are NOT too big too"...
thecurryseven said…
Thanks, Lucy. His tonsils are very large, which could be the reason. I did press them about the sleep study. It seems that the need it even if they are going to be removing the tonsils because if a child has severe sleep apnea, they need to know before surgery because it changes the post-op care. Sever sleep apnea lands the child in ICU post-op for observation because evidently when the blockage is removed, things can go very badly while the body adujusts.

Also, if there is no apnea, often a child will grow into large tonsils. So, we'll do the sleep study and hopefully avoid surgery.


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