Books... some little and some to giveaway

We've been reading the book, Kon Tiki, to continue with our study of the South Pacific.  What a fascinating book!  I had been wondering what we should do as a project and came up with making a library of little books.  (Using the directions for little books in my favorite, Big Book of Books.)  We are making a little book about each of the sea creatures that is mentioned.  So far we have done jellyfish and the Gempylus, or Snake Mackerel.  Here are TM and D. working away.  When we're done, each child will have a little library of little books about sea creatures and I think we'll make a little bookcase for them as well.

Now to the book(s) I am giving away.  Do you remember when I read The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns?  Well, I think other people should read it as well.  In order to make that happen, I am giving away a copy of the book as well a 6-week personal journal, a small group guide and a DVD that goes along with the small group study guide.  It would make an ideal Lenten study... and if I were really organized I would have done this last week so the winner could start tomorrow.  But I'm not, so whoever wins will have to deal with starting late to make it correspond with Lent.

How do you win?  Simply leave a comment on this post.  Want a second chance to win?  I'll make a place on Ordinary Time's facebook page and you can leave a comment there as well.  And to make it fair, for those of you who do not do facebook (because I completely understand the creepiness factor) and want a second entry as well... leave a second comment on this post saying it's your I-don't-do-facebook-but-I-want-a-second-entry-comment.  Clear?  (As mud?)  I'll leave the giveaway open until Thursday so that I can put the book in mail by Friday.


MamaPPod said…
You know, if I won, I could save you the cost of postage :-). So, that means that I'd like to read the book, and just don't want to have to ask to borrow it.
Kristin Mueller said…
I like the little books that TM and D are making about sea creatures! I would also like to read the book The Hole in our Gospel, because I really am a fan of all types of books, little or big. So this is my entry! :)
THANKS for writing a blog...your advice has been wonderful (and dinner time is SO improved!).
Unknown said…
Love the idea of the little books--and the BOOKCASE for them! :) And I think having a small group get together to read The Hole in the Gospel would be a great thing to do!
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy your blog, and this book sounds like just the right book at the right time for me. I'm at a stage of life where I'm really questioning how I (and my family) can make more of a difference in this world where there is so much suffering.
Unknown said…
I like the little pencil used to make the little book :) And I did some research on the book you're giving away, it sounds great!
Erica said…
I think that the little books are so cute, as well as a great way to reinforce the concepts.
Anonymous said…
Hi... this is my "I-don't-do-Facebook-but-I-want-a-second-entry-comment." (My first entry was "Anonymous" , entry #5)
sandwichinwi said…
E, you know I love your blog! I usually read yours first. Someday I'm going to meet you! I think were alike on a lot of ways.

Your creepy stalker-friend, (:
Sandwich (posting for the giveaway in the right place now)
sandwichinwi said…
Creepy stalker facebook comment. I am actually on fb, but as my real self and I don't like to link my real self to my fake blog self, so we can't be fb friends, kwim?

It's really late, can you tell?

Sandwich ( who is not nearly so creepy in real life!)

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