
Showing posts from November, 2008

For a brief, shining moment, our email address was correct

That is because long about June, there will be another little Curry joining our family. No we're not adopting this time; yes, I am pregnant. We are excited and the children are ecstatic. Orders have been placed for each child's choice of boy or girl, surprisingly with 'girl' winning. D voted for a girl since he really thinks the numbers should be even. I'll see the midwife for the first time next month and that's when I can start hearing that lovely phrase, "advanced maternal age". Perhaps if I start using a cane it will make everyone feel better. (You know there's a new historical American Girl doll who is just about my age now.) I have felt better in my life. I never feel terrific when pregnant and this time is no exception. This would explain the lack of posts recently. It would also explain the mountain of laundry in my basement among other things. (At least now I have an excuse for when things get out of control.) But I do have Christmas under...


I wrote (and J heavily edited) this article for our church's newsletter: We enter the sanctuary and my parade of children heads down the aisle toward the stairs which lead to the balcony. Some scamper quickly, almost, but not quite, running; others meander behind. We make our way up the stairs and head to a pew in the balcony. Some shuffling occurs as children negotiate seating arrangements. Sometimes the shuffling erupts in mild skirmishes if too many children want to sit by the same person. The 2-year-old likes to sit by everyone and so spends his time moving from person to person. That is, until his father puts an end to it by firmly holding him in his arms. As the service begins, the 6-year-old wants to know where we are in the bulletin. I point to the words of the hymn weā€™re singing and, even though he doesnā€™t read yet, he is content to feel he is following along. The call to worship starts and the leaderā€™s part begins, ā€œClap your handsā€¦ā€ at which point the 2-year-old grins an...

Compassion International

For those who don't know, Compassion International is a child sponsorship organization devoted to helping children one child at a time. We sponsor a child in Ethiopia; receiving a letter from him is the highlight of my week. It is a wonderful organization, serving children in the name of Christ. Right now, one of my favorite bloggers, Mary at Owlhaven , is in the Dominican Republic on a trip sponsored by Compassion International. She and a group of other bloggers are writing about their experiences while meeting with Compassion staff and sponsored children. It is an amazing trip...go check it out.


Here are a few pictures from Halloween, otherwise known as TM's birthday. What's better than a birthday on Halloween? A day with more candy than any one person needs plus ice cream, cake, and presents! Two knights, a princess, and a bear.