
Fiber Monday - something I like on the loom

Last week I showed you a couple of pictures of the scarf I was weaving that I didn't like. Weaving something I was lass than pleased with was bound to happen sooner or later. Not quite through the entire scarf, I decided it was never going to be a scarf. I liked the blue and green sections, deciding that they looked kind of peacock like. This led to thinking about cutting them out and using them with other fabric to make an article of clothing. Purple fabric with the sections of weaving added in could make a cool jacket. So I spent the rest of that scarf just trying different wefts to see what they would look like with the silk warp.  But I had painted enough silk warp for two scarves and on the second has a much better idea of what I wanted. The second scarf I am very happy with and it is much more enjoyable to weave. This will definitely remain a scarf. This past Saturday I went to Find Line's art book sale. I had no idea what kinds of books or prices to expect, so was planni


I actually had to get a light coat out of the coat closet today and decided the breeze coming in the open windows was just a little too brisk for comfort. It looks as though we'll actually have autumn weather... at least for a few days. This also makes me remember all those things I was going to do before winter, such as sorting out my winter coat issues.  The main issue being that I don't actually have one. I haven't actually had a real winter coat since three winters ago when my good LLBean winter coat's zipper stopped working. The next winter I made due with a heavy duty lined hooded sweatshirt with a wind proof vest over it. This worked surprisingly well, but at the end of the season that zipper broke as well. (That actually wasn't too much of a surprise given that it used to be W.'s, who wore it for years before I started using it.) Last winter I sort of made due with a too big fleece and that same vest. I was never quite fond of that combination, but it wa

Weekly Update - October 12, 2024

We had the monthly Inclusive Game Night at our church last night, so it was late and I was tired. It's a fun night, but I just really need to crash afterwards. Overhead in the car the other day: Child 1: Hey, play the song I want to hear! Child 2: Okay, I'll play your old people music. Me: Old people music? Child 1, Yeah, The Cure. A. came by for a bit this afternoon to say hi and also meet the sheep.  Because there is no such thing as too many sheep pictures, right? We are promised a hard freeze in the next few days. I really hope so, because I'm really done with flies.  Horses.  At least we caught them before they had caused too much chaos in the barn.  Not being able to find a podcast that will either, 1. put out enough episodes that I have something new to listen to each morning in the barn, and 2. that I want to spend that much time with, I have succumbed to audiobooks. You would think that this is perfect, given the virtually never ending amount of books to listen to.

Got Northern Lights?

No. Nothing. I see friends posting amazing pictures and what do I see? Planes. Many, many planes approaching O:Hare. We'll try a little later on... maybe we're too early? I even tried looking through the camera on my phone. No Northern Lights. I really want to see them. Anyone got any hints? 

Calming pictures

I don't know about you, but it seems as if today would be a good day for peaceful, calming pictures. Let's start with some sheep. (Photos by G.) And now how about a peaceful sunset? (Photos by K.) Sometimes you just need a brief break from the news. 

Another one down

Over an hour later... I finish at the sink, dry my hands, move to the other side of the kitchen to discover... Two travel mugs that didn't get washed. I did not wash them. At least right then. I was done. 

Fiber Monday - Structo loom for the win

In my sessions for my action research project on mitigating sibling conflict, one of the tasks we do is try a variety of activities that promote emotional regulation. I have a mindfulness exercise, so some instruments for creating music, an activity that focuses on being in nature, and I bring out my Structo loom for the practice of creating something.  At the end of the session, I always ask the participants what was hard and what they liked best. I have been surprised that using the Structo loom has been many people's favorite part of the session... even more so than leading a horse. I feel as though I am doing some very small part of keeping the art of weaving going by exposing a new generation to it.  On my own loom is the hand painted warp that I am finally, over a year later, weaving into scarves. Here's a peek. Looks cool, huh? I actually really like this view of this but. But if I just signed off now I wouldn't be telling the whole story. This is the underside of a