March comes in like a lion
Despite several of my children being born in March, it is not my favorite month. It is still too close to winter when you really, really want spring and there is no color to break up the monotonous brown. It is this time of year that I crave pastels, shades I am not normally drawn to the rest of the year.
This morning I was so excited because when I looked down I saw little green (!) shoots of grass amid all the brown.
Then this afternoon the temperature dropped and a storm rolled in bringing with it sleet. Sleet or "wintery mix" as shows up in forecasts, is my least favorite form of precipitation. Even the sheep had retreated inside which they rarely do. Coming back from the barn with the wind continuing to increase this is what that same patch of grass looked like.
That's not a sheep's fleece, though that's what I think it looks like at first glance, but snow covered grass. It's not terribly spring-like.
While we don't have it nearly as bad as the states due west of us, the wind is pretty strong and it is definitely not pleasant. We're all holding on to the promise offered by the extended forecast of near 70° temperatures next week.