Just pictures
Wednesdays have become the day of the week that are very full. I have my pattern drafting class in the morning followed by a somewhat quick turn around to get a child to am appointment in the afternoon. I've found myself mucking the barn at 5:00 pm, which is not my favorite time for doing this particular chore.
All that to say, there's not a lot left by evening when I usually write. I would do an old night throwback of Wordless Wednesday, but we all know it is impossible for me to be wordless, so I won't even try. You'll still get pictures, but with explanations.
I've been to the library a few times this week. There have been a few books on hold and I went browsing the shelves as well. I think I may have overestimated how much time I actually have to read. We'll see how I do getting through this stack.
The other day, when we had a hard freeze after above freezing temperatures, I happened to look at the ground as I was walking through the pasture letting the horses out. Do you see what I took a picture of? Chicken prints in the mud that were them preserved by the freeze. The chickens really got around the previous day because they don't often wander through the pastures
I have a lot of Sheep and Fiber classes beginning next week, which meant I needed to order spindles. The type I have previously ordered were no longer available, so I was left scrambling to find another supplier. I am so pleased with the business I found. These spindles are really lovely and affordable. (This isn't how they arrived; I took out all the packing material.) Walnut Farm Designs on Etsy is a great store. They are definitely worth checking out.
That's all I have tonight... there's books which need reading.