Breaking in another doctor

I have nothing to show you in regard to fiber projects. Nothing has happened since last Monday. Well, nothing in terms of fiber. Plenty of other things happened which is why there are no fiber projects to share. And today? Well, when I turned the page on my calendar this morning, I was surprised to find it fuller than I had remembered.

One of those items, which I had remembered, was to take R. and H. to the neurologist for their somewhat frequent visit. I had really liked the neurology nurse practitioner we have been seeing, but she told us at our last visit that she was moving into a different field of medicine. I was disappointed because I liked working with her, and because it meant breaking in a new doctor. I have come to loath this process.

So off we go, with me trying very hard to take the chip I could feel building up on my shoulder and stashing it away somewhere. I had no reason to believe that the visit with the senior member of the office neurologists would be any less than cordial. But since I have also thought that before, I knew there was always the possibility of us not hitting it off. My biggest fear was that he would decide that he didn't like the prescriptions that H. and R. are on and want to change them. H. because we don't have total seizure control, which is anathema to neurologists and R. because, well. her particular cocktail is highly unusual and makes many doctors extremely uncomfortable. The ace up my sleeve was that they were both prescribed by our fantastic pediatric neurologist who has a significantly positive reputation. 

To not leave you in suspense, he renewed all the prescriptions. As I expected, there was a little pushback on just the points that I was expecting, but my explanations seemed to make sense to him. Or it's not so much that they made sense as that I give off a vibe. J. thinks those possibilities might be in equal measure. I sure as heck was not going to let either prescription be messed with; we took too long to get to where we are now. 

I think we're going to be able to work together. On the whole, the new to us doctor seems pretty low key, which is my preference. And he treated me as a part of the care team instead of an impediment, which is always positive. We are now off the hook for neurology appointments for the next eight months which sounds lovely. 


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