Art matters

"Analysis showed that the more artistic activities they [students in the study] engaged in, the richer they reported their lives to be at the end of the semester. The other activities [meetings, sporting events, video games, volunteer activities] were not ultimately associated with psychological richness. Perhaps artistic activities challenge you to expand your perspective more than shopping, partying, or taking a short trip." -from Life in Three Dimension: How Curiosity, Exploration, and Experience Make a Fuller, Better Life by Shigehiro Oishi (p. 51)

I'm only at the beginning of this book, but it is interesting, though I am unconvinced I really enjoy the author's writing style. I'm still pretty early in the book, so I'm continuing on, regardless. At the moment there is an awful lot of rehashing of studies, all of which I have already come across. I'm ready for some new content. But the above quote struck me, so I'm sharing it with you. 

Art matters. It helps to make our lives more interesting and by extension richer. Since I have been working my way through some pretty extensive to-do lists this past week in order to be ready to get on the plane tomorrow, go make something for me... or listen to or make some music... or read or write some poetry... or whatever fills your bucket. You'll be better for it. And as I spend extensive time outlining in the presentation I'm giving on Saturday, when we are better individually, it makes room for us to be better collectively. 

I don't know how much I will be able to write over the weekend, but I will be updating my business FB page while I'm gone if you want to follow along there. 


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