You get chickens

I thought I was going to be able to write something of substance that was also coherent. When it came to actually writing, though, it seems I was overly optimistic. Instead you get a short post about chickens. 

Slacker chickens to be precise. 

These slacker chickens whom I disturbed by using my flash when taking a picture of them after they had gone to bed.

(As an aside you can see that Zorro and his hens use the long roost while Fluffy and his hens have the shorter roost under the window.)

The chickens had a few little lectures from me today on the topic of eggs. Specifically the lack of eggs. No eggs means I need to buy eggs at the store while still feeding a coop full of hens. This feels wrong. The simple solution seems to be that the hens begin laying again. That's what I told them. 

I also looked into getting a few new chicks this year specifically breeds that have a reputation for laying through winter. Wow. Not only have eggs increased dramatically in price, but so have actual chickens. As I was exclaiming over the increase, L. pointed out that a chick was still less than two dozen eggs. I haven't ordered them yet, but probably should get on that. We were also toying about buying a few new ducks, but then I got to thinking about the whole avian flu thing and wondered at the wisdom of purposely bringing water fowl home. 


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