What to write about?
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty emotionally tapped out. In practical blogging terms this means I don't really have anything to blog about. And trust me, you don't need me sharing my spiraling brain's misuse of imagination. I'm also pretty sure if you're reading here that you have your own brain misusing your imagination as well. Where does that leave a blogger if I don't feel like adding to the general sense of free falling to hell in a hand basket? With a very blank screen when I sit down to write something, that's where.
What have I been doing when not braving me negative temperatures taking care of horses or taking children to doctor's appointments? This:
I've been combing wool while listening to yet more Mrs. Polifax books. It's fairly mindless work, so easily lends itself to becoming engrossed in a story. Plus, I have a lot of dyed fleece that needs to be prepped for spinning, so I feel good about working on a project that has been kind of hanging over my head. And I really like this color so it's pleasant to work with. You can see by that pile of little combed fiber nests that I've been working on this a lot this week. That bag was nearly full when I began.
And for those of you who care, this is Shetland wool that I bought online then washed and dyed. As I'm working through it, it is not quite as nice as I initially thought it was. There's some courser sections that I didn't notice when I was washing or dyeing it. It's still nice and will spin into a lovely yarn, but it makes me even more excited to have the lamb fleeces off our sheep in the spring. Their wool is significantly nicer than what I'm currently working with.