What I'm not doing

I have spent the past three days running from thing to thing. They are all good things, but this evening when I got in from the barn I realized I had spent all of one hour inside my house. This is not my optimum schedule and I'm exhausted. The rest of the week looks only marginally better. 

Today is also the first day of the lunar new year celebration. We have not begun to celebrate yet. We don't even have our decorations up yet. I'm hoping we can get to the tomorrow. The decorating, that is. Sunday will be our big family celebration. Y. is already planning on making a big batch of baozi. 

Because I'm exhausted you don't really get a post. I'll share a photo I took Monday night on the way to the barn. I am also definitely not complaining about the warmer weather, especially since the pasture is solid and not turned to mud. 


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