Maintaining sanity

If you're anything like me, you're feeling done in and exhausted. Between the weather and current events it's just a lot to manage at once. So here's my list of things that can help you keep a grip on your sanity. (And I'm preaching to myself as much as any of you.)
  • Turn off the news and social media after you have done a quick catch-up to stay informed. Hearing more of the same isn't going to help you, but it will flood your brain with cortisol which makes it difficult to think rationally as well as making you feel kind of rotten. 
  • Once you've turned off the news, if you can't direct your brain elsewhere distract it by engaging in something that will take your attention: read a book, make something, help someone, learn a new skill. 
  • Find your community and spend time with them. More and more the research is finding that being in community with other people (IN PERSON) is vital for our physical and emotional health. It's harder to spiral when you're with others. 
  • Eat well. Sure downing and entire box of cookies feels good in the moment, but those cookies are not giving your brain and body the nutrients you really need to be resilient. Sure have that bowl of ice cream or a cookie or two, but be sure you are eating other foods as well. 
  • Laugh. Yes, I realize it will most likely be a form of gallows humor, but laughter is good medicine. You are allowed to find humor in your life even if you are also concerned about the future. Not laughing won't change things in a broader context, but it will change you and probably it will be in ways that make you even more miserable.
  • Practice appreciating the moment, this one, right now. You can't predict the future and worrying and agonizing about it won't change it. Que sera sera and all that. But constant worry and stress can most certainly steal what is happening right now. And even if the worst case scenario happens, whatever that is in your head, if you didn't appreciate the small moments of the present you will have also lost them. Don't lose your present while worrying about losing your future.
  • Appreciate the beauty in the world around you and marvel in it. The feeling of awe is beneficial for well being. If you aren't seeing at least one thing a day to be filled with awe over, you aren't looking. Don't go through life missing out on small miracles. 
  • Spread kindness to everyone, even if they don't deserve it. Especially if they don't deserve it. We only harm ourselves when we are mean or cruel or unpleasant. Don't let the current situation turn you into someone you don't want to be. And for clarity, bring kind is not the same as being a pushover. Boundaries are important, but they can still be maintained with firm kindness.
A cardinal that was just outside the kitchen window.


Rebecca said…
I want to be informed but it's depressing and crazy. I've always been a political junkie but now it is killing me emotionally mich m9re than anything before. My husband challenged me....I can't spend more time watching/reading news than I spend in the Word. Just an idea to refocus on the most important news...the Good News.

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