Kindred spirits

Eight or nine years ago, I found myself reading a lot of books with craft settings. I probably read at least a dozen novels or mysteries where the structure of the story was women making things while also being friends and supports to each other. The type of craft didn't really matter. I remember quilting, sewing, knitting, dyeing, and needlework off the top of my head. I realized as I came to the end of this little jag, finishing yet one more rather poor to average book that I was reading them not for the story (and obviously not for the writing) but because of a deep need and desire to belong to a group such as being described. Like so many dreams I had during that period, this one also seemed unattainable.

I've long since learned that my crystal ball is broken. What I was seeing as something that would never be was instead something that was not yet. It makes me almost teary to find myself having made friends with a group of women who very much fill the needs I was feeling nearly ten years ago. 

I mentioned last week that I was going on a crafting retreat with friends. And I did. We stayed in a beautiful house with beautiful grounds. Everyone brought lots of things to work on and we ate and talked and worked on projects and laughed. It was wonderful! It is no small thing to be surrounded with incredibly talented and artistic people who are intelligent and confident so that there is no need for any type of drama. 

"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world." - Anne of Green Gables


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