Fiber Monday - Unexpected project

I need to go back to some semblance of a schedule because it's the only way to stay sane while the world turns upside down. It's Monday, so we're going to talk to fiber. 

I mentioned last week that I found myself compulsively combing wool and listening to books because I couldn't seem to do anything else. I feel as though I can begin to venture slowly into other things, but having started this project, I want to keep working on it. In just a few days, I have managed to comb 100 grams of fiber. 

I'm looking forward to spinning this, not only because it will be fun, but because I can't really figure out where to store all of this, so it's currently on my studio table. I love spinning combed wool. The trouble with combing wool is that it creates a bit of waste as the combs pull out the too short pieces. This is what I'm left with after making a few little nests. 

It's not necessarily bad (because I try to get out as much vegetable matter before I start), but it's short. I don't often keep it. This time, though, I decided I wanted to experiment with using it. So I got out my cards (which are good for short fibers) and used them to create some roles. (That's the name for the wool after it's carded.)

I'm not a huge fan of spinning rolags so had been looking askance at this pile while I combed more wool. I decided I didn't really want to spin them, so decided to get out my drum carder to run them through it.

This will make a batt, which I like spinning better than rolags. I haven't added enough fiber to make a batt, but it's looking promising. I wondered for a moment of I wanted to mix in some other colors, but then remembered something and went rummaging around in my pounds of fiber. After rummaging I found what I was looking for. I had remembered that I had created a gradient when I dyed the wool I had been working on this past week, and I found it.

It goes from a grey to the turquoise. Here's a better picture of how it changes. There are 100 grams of each color. 

So now, I want to prep and spin the whole gradient. This was not on my mental list of projects that I was going to work on this winter, but this feels like the project I need to do. 

I have worked on other things, such as doing some spinning.

This bobbin is nearly full. I anticipate having three bobbins this size filled when I'm finished. 

And I've been working on the sweater vest I'm knitting.

You can just see the cables beginning after the ribbing at the bottom. And I'm very impressed if you made it all the way through this very long post.


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