Back to regular life

It seems we are back to our regular schedule now. People have done schoolwork, J. is back to work, children are back to their weekly cooking, I did some EFL training online today as well as paying the bills, and I have a conference proposal and research project work sitting on my desk just staring at me. 

The trouble with having been sick for much of the break is that it's hardly a break. At least not one that feels as though it counts. I want a vacation do-over. 

There are some fun things coming up that I'll be sharing as they get closer, so this moving back into regular life isn't all bad. And some children are definitely happier with a routine as well. 

We also have a solution for keeping things too dull and humdrum. We have ponies. Ponies who are really cute, but who also have too many brains inside those fluffy heads. When I headed out to the barn yesterday morning this is what I was greeted with.

Oh, Buddy.

It seems he pushed against the lowest stall guard strap until the metal clip broke. 

Then he just walked under the upper strap. Because he's short and he could. Vienna seemed annoyed because she couldn't fit underneath. We have now repaired and strengthened the stall guard and Buddy was safely tucked away in his stall this morning. 


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