W. and MC win Christmas

We've had various degrees of sickness here the past week, myself included, but we had a lovely Christmas in spite of that. W. and MC truly outdid themselves in terms of Christmas gifts to everyone this year. Each family member received a personalized gnome. The level of detail is astounding. These are all handmade by the two of them. Mine, obviously, is the weaving gnome. But I'll just let you guess the others if you can. 

The whole group:

And the individual gnomes:

Shakespeare gnome

Weaving gnome

Beekeeper gnome

Inside the beehive 

And the lower box of the hive

Mushroom gnome

Collecting basket with miniature mushrooms 

Jiu-Jitsu gnome

With snacks

Movie going gnome

Neon and light gnome

Who lights up

Flower gnome

Activist gnome

Complete with a miniaturized version of the receiver's divestment plan document 

Butterfly gnome

Princess gnome

LEGO building gnome

Also with personal snacks

Pokemon trainer gnome

With Pikachu 

Shepherd gnome

With a sheep

Geologist gnome 

With tools and samples

Pretty amazing, huh? We are all in awe.


Nancy Krohn said…
These are fabulous - so cute, so detailed and so personal. What a treasure. ❤️

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