Merry Christmas

It's been a busy ten days. 

I've done all the Christmas shopping (for 17 people). The gifts are all wrapped. I've paid the bills. D. made it home and we've been enjoying having him home. We attended our church's Christmas cantata last night. P. will be moving back home for a bit tomorrow. (She's changing jobs and will be taking some college classes begining in January.) We're working our way through the Christmas movies we all watch together. We celebrated the last Sunday of Advent. The food is planned. The only things left are to buy groceries in the morning and figure out the kitchen schedule so all my cooks and bakers can prepare the things they've volunteered to make. I would also very much like to be able to sit down for a bit and enjoy not ticking things off a to-do list. 

I'm not sure how much blogging will happen in the next few days, so if I don't check in before... From our family to yours, Happy Holidays and a very merry Christmas!


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